Influentials is a collection of unique, hand-drawn, 1/1 NFT cards living on the Ethereum blockchain. We use 19th-century tarot-card imagery with a mix of satire and meme culture to tell stories about today’s most influential people, biggest events, and well-known phenomena in the crypto industry.
Every original NFT purchase comes with a complete physical crypto tarot deck containing 78 cards. Read more here.
Join our Discord community to participate in giveaways and come up with fun ideas for the next cards.
Get your own card today!
Collection / Cards

#1 - The Creator
(Deck #1)

#2 - The Nitpicker
(Deck #1)

#3 - The Impostor?
(Deck #1)

#4 - The Preacher
(Deck #1)

#5 - The Messiah
(Deck #1)

#6 - The Regretful
(Deck #1)

#7 - The Dooges
(Deck #1)

#8 - The Market Savior
(Deck #1)

#9 - The Home Miner
(Deck #1)

#10 - The Gullible
(Deck #1)

#11 - The Competitor
(Deck #1)

#12 - The Church Singer
(Deck #1)

#13 - The Sausage Eater
(Deck #1)

#14 - The Peak Seller
(Deck #1)

#15 - The Journalist
(Deck #1)

#16 - The Lovers
(Deck #1)

#17 - The "In It For The Tech"
(Deck #1)

#18 - The Korean Jew
(Deck #1)

#19 - The Pump & Dump #2
(Deck #1)

#20 - The Gambler
(Deck #1)

#21 - The Youtuber
(Deck #1)

#22 - The Puppet Master
(Deck #1)

#23 - The New Kid On The Block
(Deck #1)

#24 - The Miner
(Deck #1)

#25 - The Dancer
(Deck #1)

#26 - The Emperor
(Deck #1)

#27 - The Whack-A-Mole
(Deck #1)

#28 - The Pump And Dump
(Deck #1)

#29 - The Cleaner
(Deck #1)

#30 - The Scammer
(Deck #1)

#31 - The Annual Event
(Deck #1)

#32 - The Dead Cat Bounce
(Deck #1)

#33 - The Candlelight Dinner
(Deck #1)

#34 - The Falling Knife Catcher
(Deck #1)

#35 - The Rabbit Hole Gang
(Deck #1)

#36 - The Panic Seller
(Deck #1)

#37 - The Rejection
(Deck #1)

#38 - The Faster Route
(Deck #1)

#39 - The SHIBillionaire
(Deck #1)

#40 - The Telegram Group
(Deck #1)

#41 - The Podcaster
(Deck #1)

#42 - The Flex
(Deck #1)

#43 - The Eth Upgrade
(Deck #1)

#44 - The Rug Pull
(Deck #1)

#45 - The Creative
(Deck #1)

#46 - The Altcoin Slayer
(Deck #1)

#47 - The Farmer
(Deck #1)

#48 - The Flippening
(Deck #1)

#49 - The Airdrop
(Deck #1)

#50 - The Final Call
(Deck #1)

#51 - The Ghozali
(Deck #1)

#52 - The Bull
(Deck #1)
Launch Date
October 16, 2021.
Initial Release
30 cards.
Release Structure
New cards will be minted as soon as they are made. We will announce the exact release date and time in our Discord server & Twitter, so make sure to follow us for the latest updates.
Maximum Cards
Cards are divided into decks. Each deck contains 78 cards. Deck #1 will contain cards #1-78. The second deck will contain cards #79-156, etc.
The maximum amount of decks is 13. This means that the maximum total cards is 1014.
Influentials is an ongoing project. Cards will be designed and minted as we come up with new ideas or when something big is happening in the crypto world.
Cards will always be 1/1, unique and hand drawn. No auto-generated cards will be created.
Token Standard
Smart Contract
Royalty Fee
Licensing Model
We use a standard NFT License model that helps define the rights of ownership. To read more about the mode, please visit NFTlicense.org.
In summary, you are allowed to:
- Use the Influentials art for your own personal, non-commercial use;
- Use the Influentials art to commercialize your own merchandise, provided that you are not earning more than $100,000 in revenue each year from doing so.
In summary, what you are not allowed to:
- Modifying the art;
- Use the art to market or sell third-party products;
- Use the art in connection with images of hatred, violence, or inappropriate behavior; or
- Trying to trademark your art, or otherwise acquire intellectual property rights in it
File Info
586x1000px, high quality PNG-file.
Pricing Structure
The initial 30 released cards are priced at 0.095 ETH each. This price is valid only for the first 30 minted cards and is a special launch price. Pricing for upcoming cards are subject to market conditions but will be priced higher than the initial 30 cards.
Physical decks
Physical Collector’s Deck
Each deck contains 78 cards. There will be a total of maximum 13 decks. When one deck has been minted, we will print the deck as well. This collector’s deck will not be for sale. You will be able to get one deck through either making an original purchase (see how to become eligible below) or through any of our giveaways.
How to become eligible to receive one?
By making an original purchase of an Influential NFT (one previously unpurchased card directly from Influentials). Note: second-hand sales or re-sales will not be eligible to receive this collectors deck offer.
How to claim my deck
When we have minted the entire first deck of 78 cards, we will activate our verification system. To claim your deck, you will need to verify that you have control over the wallet that made the original purchase and provide shipping information. Note: you only need to prove that you are the original purchaser of the card- there is no need for you to still own the card when you claim your deck. We will cross-check all wallet addresses with the blockchain.
Is it completely free to receive a deck? Shipping?
Wherever you are in the world, we will send you the physical collector’s deck for no additional charge and cover shipping costs. However, you will be responsible for any shipping duties and taxes that may be charged in your country upon receiving the deck.
When will the decks be sent out?
The timeline for sending out the physical collector’s edition for decks:
1. When the 78 cards in the deck have been created and minted and more than 50 cards have been sold.
2. After all cards in that deck have been created, minted, and 50 cards sold, the physical decks will go into production.
3. We will then send them out to all eligible collectors of that deck (the shipping time may vary depending on where you live).
Our roadmap is a dynamic document, which means that we will update it as soon as something changes along the way.
Last update: October 19, 2021
Q4 2021 / Q1 2022
Focus on growth
- Focus on expanding the community.
- Have released deck #1 (78 cards in total).
- Implemented a web3 verification system for the collector’s deck claims.
- Giveaways.
- Exclusive giveaways for active members.
Q1/Q2 2022
Focus on new cards
- Finished the second deck.
- Ship out the first physical collector’s deck to all eligible collectors (Q1, 2022).
- Get verified on OpenSea.
After first two decks sold out
- Design merch.
- Print physical decks to give away to the most active community members. Some decks will come with special golden cards that will unlock free and special NFTs.